
“What are the best warm ups for runners?”

As some of you know I like to run for 20 mins each morning in the park before my day starts. I used to run much longer many years ago, when, being young and carefree, I ran with the wrong shoes and without any warm ups.  Cooling down was done at the local pub with my friends!

I remember leaving work in the evening, putting my gear on and running home -from Bond Street to Chelsea, probably the most polluted streets in London- carrying a heavy bag on my back with my Filofax inside. I survived the experience -and loved it- but my left knee didn’t do so well at the time.

The warm-ups that I am going to suggest today are not suitable if you currently have a knee issue -a subject that we will cover in one of our health articles – but if your knees are doing ok, these simple exercises might be exactly what you need.


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