Asanas & Physical Moves

Kundalini Belly 1

This is a quick set incorporating some of the primary exercises in Kundalini tradition that work on the abdominal area. It includes breath of fire, therefore it is better done earlier in the day on an empty stomach. If it is later in the day, or you are unfamiliar with breath of fire, you can replace it with deep, abdominal breathing.

Read our instructions and other important information below for this form of breath:

Breath of fire is done on an empty stomach, ideally before breakfast.

Sit comfortably, cross legged or on your knees, preferably seated on a cushion. Your hands should be resting on your thighs or knees, with index fingers touching thumbs, in Gyan mudra.

To prepare, first inhale and exhale in the belly a few times, slowly. It is important you keep the chest and belly relaxed

Remember that breath of fire is always done through the nose, never the mouth.

Inhale and then powerfully exhale through the nose by pumping your navel inward, toward your lower back. Repeat this pumping rhythmically and equally, so the same amount of air goes in and out.

Avoid pumping the belly too forcefully, make it gentle and even; if you are comfortable keeping the rhythm, start by practicing 1-3 minutes per day.

If you feel dizzy or nauseous, stop and try the practice another day.


This form of breath stimulates the digestion and has a positive effect on your energy level. That is why it is recommended to practice in the morning.

When practiced regularly and effectively, it has an aerobic effect and can optimise lung performance.

Under the guidance of a trained yoga therapist, it can reduce the symptoms of asthma.


If you suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, epilepsy, or if you are menstruating or pregnant, this exercise should be avoided.

Avoid practicing before bedtime.


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